Other Astronomy poems by Ann Curran. You can learn more about Pittsburgh poet Ann Curran: Link 1 *** Link 2.
Buhl ejects me from my white, Catholic orbit.
I gain a black buddy with gorgeous green eyes,
humor that lightens dark days. A Jewish guy
who wants to date me like I want to date him
is engaged to a Jewish girl. That was that.
Upstairs in the observatory, I shrink
before dark sun spots captured on a white disk.
I am stunned to prayer by Saturn and its rings.
The Foucault pendulum hypnotizes all
as it moves back and forth across the pit floor.
Won’t it ever strike down the next pin in the pit?
When I tell the story, I get halfway through—
stumble on the free-swinging wire, Earth’s movement—
no longer believe a word of what I’ve said.
The aides spend hours repairing Science Fair
exhibits. Small hands ignore do-not-touch signs.
The glue dries, the Scotch tape gives way, things fall loose.
The biggest thrill for planetarium aides:
the Sky Show in the Theater of the Stars.
It runs all day. People sit in this round globe
of a room. Lights dim. The Zeiss projector lifts
slowly from the floor like an alien ship.
It splatters the walls with stars and galaxies.
A disembodied voice takes us beyond Earth.
Meanwhile, two aides slip into silver costumes,
go out on the catwalk behind the curved walls.
The voice snaps on our lights. We play astronauts.
We confer. Shake our heads yes. Shake our heads no.
Shrug maybe. Click switches. Study our checklists.
We pretend that all is under our control
as we wing through space and the commanding voice
tells the piddling bit we know of the universe.
Other Internet Web Sites of Interest
History of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh
History of Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago
Astronomer, Educator, and Telescope Maker John A. Brashear
History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries
Historic Duquesne Incline cable-car railway, Pittsburgh
Disclaimer Statement: This Internet Web Site is not affiliated with the
Andrew Carnegie Free Library,
This Internet, World Wide Web Site administered by Glenn A.
This Internet World Wide Web page created on 2012 December 15.
You are visitor number
Ninth Pennsylvania
Reserves Civil War Reenactment Group,
Henry Buhl, Jr.
Planetarium and Observatory,
Carnegie Science
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Institute,
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
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Poem is © Copyright 2012 Ann Curran, All Rights Reserved.
Web Page is © Copyright 2012,
Glenn A. Walsh, All Rights Reserved.
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Last modified : Tuesday, 19-Sep-2017 20:48:33 EDT.
, to this web page,
since 2012 December 15.