Olson, Thomas and Kim Leonard.
"Pittsburgh Opera joins city's 'green' renaissance with renovated building."
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2009 July 21: A1.
Leonard, Kim and Thomas Olsen. "Pittsburgh Opera building to go green."
Pittsburgh Trib p.m. 2009 July 21: 4.
Articles included listing of "Green Geezers,"
seven buildings constructed before World War II, which have been rehabilitated to
obtain LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification
The youngest building, of the seven listed, is the original
Buhl Planetarium building (built in 1939), now operated as part of the Children's
Museum of Pittsburgh. By year's end, it is expected that the Pittsburgh Opera's
Strip District building (Liberty Avenue and 25th Street--where, originally,
George Westinghouse first built railroad locomotive air-brakes) will join this list.

"Green geezers"

CORO Center for Civic Leadership; South Side/office building; built 1890; certified LEED 2004

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Garden; Oakland/public building; built 1893; certified LEED 2006

Carriage House Children's Center/ Wightman School Community Building; Squirrel Hill/assembly and commercial building; built 1898; certified LEED 2009

Green Building Alliance; South Side/office building; built 1903; certified LEED 2009

CCI Center; South Side/office building; built 1910; certified LEED 2005

Rowe Hall Renovation at Shady Side Academy; Fox Chapel/office building; built 1921; certified LEED 2007

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh (ORIGINAL BUHL PLANETARIUM BUILDING); North Side/public building; built 1939; certified LEED 2006