Chronology: American Presidential Inauguration of Barack H. Obama (2009)
The following is a chronology of events of the American Presidential
Inauguration of Barack H. Obama on 2009 January 20. This chronology was
compiled by Glenn A. Walsh* in
To determine the precise time, to the second, of each event,
a special clock was used which is automatically updated each evening by radio
time signals, from the National Institute of Standards and Technology long-wave
radio station, WWVB, broadcasting from Fort Collins, Colorado. Assuming that
the delay in receiving the television network signals from
2009 January 20 – Eastern Standard Time
11:43:35 a.m. – Presentation of Barack H. Obama
11:48:30 to 11:53:10 a.m. – Invocation: Pastor Rick Warren
11:53:47 to 11:56:27
a.m. – Song by Aretha Franklin: “My Country Tis of Thee”
11:57:28 to 11:58:22 a.m. – Oath of Office by Joe Biden as Vice President
of the
11:59:50 a.m. to 12:04:18 p.m. - Music: “Air and Simple Gifts” written
for the Inauguration by
John Williams; performed by Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Anthony McGill, and
Gabriela Montero.
12:05:14 to 12:05:47 p.m. – Oath of Office by Barack H. Obama as
President of the
12:07:37 to 12:26:10 p.m. – Address: President Barack H. Obama
12:28:07 to 12:31:57 p.m. – Poem: “Praise Song for the Day” by Elizabeth
12:32:35 to 12:37:35 p.m. – Benediction: Reverend Joseph Lowery
12:38:32 to 12:39:39 p.m. – National Anthem: “The Star Spangled Banner” performed by The
Signing Ceremony – Documents signed by President Barack H. Obama at:
1:03:15 p.m., 1:03:39 p.m., and 1:03:56 p.m.
1:28:12 p.m. Pre-Luncheon comments by Vice President Joe Biden
1:29:14 p.m. Pre-Luncheon comments by President Barack H. Obama
1:35:00 to 1:36:50 p.m.
Luncheon Invocation: U.S. Senate
Chaplain Dr. Barry Black
2:44:15 p.m. Presentation of American flags to President and Vice President:
Senator Dianne Feinstein
2:45:25 p.m. Presentation of Inaugural photographs to President and Vice
Senator Robert F. Bennett
2:48:00 p.m. Presentation of crystal bowls to President and Vice President:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
2:51:25 to 2:56:16 p.m. Comments by President Barack H. Obama
2:57:05 to 2:58:21 p.m. Comments by Vice President Joe Biden
3:01:38 p.m. End of Luncheon, immediately preceded by Benediction: U.S. House of
Representatives Chaplain Reverend Daniel Coughlin
President Barack H. Obama and First Lady Michelle
Obama walk during parade:
4:03:49 to 4:11:01 p.m.
and 4:27:07 to 4:33:55 p.m.
4:37:52 p.m. President Barack H. Obama arrives at White House
4:56:56 p.m. President Barack H. Obama arrives at parade reviewing stand
Authored By
Glenn A. Walsh ***
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