Francis G. Graham

417 Franklin Street

East Pittsburgh PA 15112


April 9, 2008


Dr. David M. Hillenbrand, President

The Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh

4400 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-4080


Dear Sir:


   I am a member of the Carnegie and have been outraged at the treatment of one Glenn Walsh, director of the Friends of the Zeiss, by one of your employees.  Mr. Walsh signed up for an on-site visit as part of a pre-bid conference connected with the Port Authority Transit Division.  He was denied access to the Miller warehouse, the location of an on-site visit, although it appears he had every right to participate as did other members of the pre-bid conference.

   Mr. Walsh  has no record of being violent or doing any illegal acts.  There is every reason to expect that he would have comported himself exactly as others would have in the pre-bid site visit.

   Why then, was Mr. Walsh singled out for removal from this transit-related site visit?

It is true that he also has a citizen’s interest in the city property formerly at the old Buhl Planetarium.  But, he also has been even longer involved with public transit issues, and in a manner that benefitted the public input into transit decisions, from laudatory comments made by some Transit board members.

    This is very irregular, and not in keeping with the Carnegie’s mission. I hope you can find a way to rectify the situation.





Francis G. Graham