Aboard a Soyuz spacecraft, a new crew launched Sunday for the International Space Station. Among the new crew members are Richard Garriott, son of former NASA astronaut Owen Garriott (first son of a former U.S. astronaut to fly into space), and NASA veteran astronaut E. Michael Fincke, who credits Pittsburgh's original Buhl Planetarium for his interest in becoming an astronaut.
While Mr. Fincke will stay on the ISS for six months, Mr. Garriott is scheduled to return to Earth on October 24, which just happens to be the 69th anniversary of the dedication of Buhl Planetarium!
Here is the NASA news release:
Here is the Trib story on the launch:
Here is the P-G story from Saturday:
Here is a bio of Mike Fincke:
Glenn A. Walsh, Project Director, Friends of the Zeiss < http://friendsofthezeiss.org > Electronic Mail - < siderostat1989@... > SPACE & SCIENCE NEWS, ASTRONOMICAL CALENDAR: < https://buhlplanetarium.tripod.com/#news > Author of History Web Sites on the Internet -- * Buhl Planetarium, Pittsburgh: < http://buhlplanetarium.tripod.com > * Adler Planetarium, Chicago: < http://adlerplanetarium.tripod.com > * Astronomer, Educator, Optician John A. Brashear: < http://johnbrashear.tripod.com > * Andrew Carnegie & Carnegie Libraries: < http://andrewcarnegie.tripod.com > * Duquesne Incline cable-car railway, Pittsburgh: < http://incline.pghfree.net > * Public Transit: < http://andrewcarnegie2.tripod.com/transit >
--- On Mon, 10/13/08, NASA News Services <nasa_subscriptions@...>
From: NASA News Services <nasa_subscriptions@...> Subject: New Crew Blasts Off for International Space Station To: siderostat1991@... Date: Monday, October 13, 2008, 12:06 AM
A new crew that will live and work aboard the International Space Station rocketed into orbit early Sunday aboard a Soyuz spacecraft.
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